The bridge over to Nørrebro.
The Laundromat Cafe in Elmegade, Nørrebro.
The Laundromat Cafe. You can wash your clothes while having a kick-ass breakfast called: Dirrty Morgenmad! w/eggs,bacon,sausages,potatos etc etc etc. yum!
'I Love' store, Elmegade. Check out the links below!
Blockparty in a street just off Istedgate. Distortion Festival happened in a new borough every day. The days i were there it was: thursday in Nørrebro and friday in Vesterbro. On the thursday i saw Nôze live in a club called RUST, great show, no photos ;(
Another blockparty around the corner.
UN-pretentious ART
The biggest blockparty in Copenhagen ever they said at Enghave Plads.
Enghave Plads
Enghave Plads
Bubble Camper
Danish ravers gone wild!
Enghave Plads, dance competition
Enghave Plads
Boozing in the park. You could also bring your own alco. This could never have happened in Norway.
Some chick dj. Still at Enghave Plads.
More chicks djing!(chicks djing is HOT!)
He likes to party with beeeear.
WhoMadeWho did an unannounced show outside of a club called Dat Schaub. Its in an old meatfactory. The rest of the photos is from Dat Schaub. Its located in Kødbyen(Meatcity).
Chicks On Speed joined WhoMadeWho for some songs.
And then the Chicks(On Speed?) set fire to a box. Nice!
ehm.,i dont remember this.(ok, im lying again)
Some Gomma djs.
So who is this then?...and what is it with that girls dress in the background???
Its m*****effing FRED FALKE! He did an amazing show and pulled out this bass guitar from outta nowhere a couple of times playing on top of the tracks. He played for 2 hours or something. He played all the remixes he has done over the last couple of years. And you know how much i love Fred Falke remixes!
The crowd must love them to.
And Fred himself doesnt seem unhappy about them..
He also had Kris Menace twiddling some knobs for him when he was to busy fondling his bassguitar!
Bye Bye Fred, and Copenhagen!
I Love
Street Machine
Norse Store
Laundromat Cafe
Nôze - Danse Avec Moi
Munk - Live Fast! Die Old! (Headman Remix)
Ladyhawke - Back Of The Van (Fred Falke's Ultimate Beverly Remix)
Sorry for not posting anything for 6 days.
Been a little lazy and without WEB 2.0 for more then a couple of minutes at a time.
Hope you didnt stop reading UntzUntz while i was gone.
I guess im back on track now.
You should go to Distortion next year btw!
Laundromat is hawt
goody morgenmad!
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