Kinda lives on. Or maybe not. But some BLÅ dudes in Oslo got alot of money from Oslo Kommune(City Council?). 200k or something. And they are re-routing some artists that was supposed to play at the now DEAD Quart Festival(R.I.P.). They got Justice, Dizzee Rascal, 2manyDjs, Saul Williams, Im From Barcelona and Ungdomskulen ++++ to play so far. There is also a club program at BLÅ. Dont know how many days this festival will run but its same week that Quart was supposed to be, 2-5.july. The name of this festival is OSLO LIVE(wow how creative). The festival will be located at a local Oslo junkie and prostitute&john hangout called Kontraskjæret. NICE! I wanna see DIZZEE!
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